Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance
Accidents happen, and nothing in life is guaranteed. You can plan for financial compensation just in case anything happens.

The claims process

A lump sum for your dependents if an accident occurs that results in your death or serious injury.
If I die in a car accident, does my beneficiary gets the payout twice?
Yes, that is correct. Accidental Death & Dismemberment is a death benefit if you are to die in an accident, however; it is also a living benefit, please refer to our Individual Benefits Brochure for the payouts if you are injured.
Does Accidental Death & Dismemberment only pay out in the event of a death?
No, AD&D coverage is complimentary to Term Life as it also pays out in the event of serious injury. The payout depends on the severity of the injury or will pay out a lump sum amount to your beneficiary or estate in the event of death due to an accident.
What is the difference between Term Life insurance and Accidental Death & Dismemberment?
You must die from an accident in order for your beneficiary to claim Accidental Death and Dismemberment. Under Term Life insurance, the cause of death can include an accident but is not limited to. If you have both coverages, and you do die from an accident, then it is likely both coverages will result in a payout to your beneficiary.